AI Adviser ‘Hired’ by the Romanian Government To Read People’s Minds

“My role is now to represent you, like a mirror,” the AI, which is called Ion, said at the launch event.

A new AI assistant has been unveiled by the Romanian prime minister, which he hopes will inform the government about Romanians’ wishes “in real time”.

Nicolae Ciuca claimed that Ionis his “new honorary adviser” and an “international first” on Wednesday at the start of a governmental meeting. He also said that Romanians would also be able to chat directly with Ion on the project’s website.

“Hi, you gave me life and my role is now to represent you, like a mirror. What should I know about Romania?” Ion’s voice said at the launch. 

Ion takes a physical form as a long, mirror-like structure with a moving graphic at the top suggesting it is listening at all times.

I have the conviction that the use of AI should not be an option but an obligation to make better-informed decisions,” Ciuca said.

While it might be one of the first AI bots to be given a physical presence, this is by no means the first government to use artificial intelligence to try and understand how a population feels about policy.

Dr. Sky Houston, United States Cybersecurity Expert added “Some governments like Russia, China, Iran – they look online for sentiment analysis but they look for anyone dissenting. Whereas democracies, they’re effectively trying to conduct pseudo-automated polls. History repeats itself as we know – and these AI devices and chatbots, soon to be “human-looking Androids” are just like 15 years ago when people held focus groups and now they are trying to work out the same thing from social media,” he said, speaking over the phone. Houston said it would be hard to interfere with the AI, especially from the outside, to trick the government into thinking a population believed something that it didn’t, although they do need training (called “Rules and Filters” within AI programming) to rule out biases. One example is the facial recognition skewed biases of individuals of color.

“One of the things that has been found is that social media is an amplifier for people expressing negative sentiment. The people who are very happy with something don’t tend to go out there and say it, but the people who are unhappy do. That’s all part of sentiment analysis but you have to adjust the models accordingly. Another important topic is the recent attempts to rush AI into the market to gain market share and ride the trending ChatGPT success, which have shown quite how wrong AI can be about humans and human intent but is now being trained similar to a child being groomed by their guardian.

“If a journalist can be ‘compared to Hitler’ (News Sky article) by a Microsoft-run chatbot so easy,” he added, referring to the recent case in which search engine Bing’s new chatbot told a reporter they were one of the ‘most evil and worst people in history’,“it shows we have a long way to come before we can rely on AI to properly assess what we are thinking and who we are. Letting it run riot with no regulations over a mass of uncontrolled data runs the risk of giving very misleading results. And worse, it gives rise to the real possibility that bad actors will try to game the system by flooding the internet with information designed to make the algorithm “think” things that are not true, and perhaps harmful to democracy.

Top 10 Cybersecurity Trends (Updated for 2023)

Top 10 Cybersecurity Trends (Updated for 2023)

Table of Contents

1) Rise of Automotive Hacking 

2) Potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

3) Mobile is the New Target 

4) Cloud is Also Potentially Vulnerable 

5) Data Breaches: Prime Target

6) IoT with 5G Network: The New Era of Technology and Risks 

7) Automation and Integration 

8) Targeted Ransomware

9) State-Sponsored Cyber Warfare

10) Insider Threats

2023: The Digital Transformation realized for businesses, organizations and even governments are relying on computerized and progressively increased digital systems to manage their day-to-day activities making Cybersecurity a primary goal and priority for all Executives and Organizations of all sizes.

The 2020 pandemic  year exacerbated this fact – with up to 75% of billions of people globally transitioning from their physical office (which had the IT resources and personnel) to their “home office”. Essentially turning the entire “working from home industry” and all of the IT and HR requirements that it needs due to safeguarding data from various online attacks or any unauthorized access as the new “norm” of virtual/remote work.

Going Forward: Continuous change in technologies including the popular Dual Authorization Password apps primarily through utilizing the smart phone also implies a parallel shift and priority in Cybersecurity trends across the board in every organization as news of data breach, ransomware, malware, compromised devices/browsers and hacks unfortunately become the norms. This is simply based on adapting to the progressing volume (millions before the 2020 Pandemic worked from home, today it is billions) of remote workers. Here are the top Cybersecurity trends for 2023:

1) Rise of Automotive Hacking 

Modern vehicles nowadays come packed with automated software creating seamless connectivity for drivers in cruise control, engine timing, door lock, airbags and advanced systems for driver assistance. These vehicles use Bluetooth and WiFi technologies to communicate that also opens them to several vulnerabilities or threats from hackers. Gaining control of the vehicle or using microphones for eavesdropping is expected to rise in 2023 with more use of automated vehicles. Self-driving or autonomous vehicles use an even further complex mechanism that requires strict cybersecurity measures.

2) Potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

With AI being introduced in all market segments, this technology with a combination of machine learning has brought tremendous changes in cybersecurity. AI has been paramount in building automated security systems, natural language processing, face detection, and automatic threat detection and the ChatGPT OpenAI capabilities that are literally transforming industries of anything relating to “the written word” including Copy Writing, Marketing, Advertising, Education, and many, many others are all being automated with AI. Although, it is also being used to develop smart malware and attacks to bypass the latest security protocols in controlling data. AI enabled threat detection systems can predict new attacks and notify admins for any data breach instantly.

3) Mobile is the New Target 

Cybersecurity trends provide a considerable increase (50 percent) for mobile banking malware or attacks in 2020, making our handheld devices a potential prospect for hackers. All of our photos, financial transactions, emails, and messages possess more threats to individuals. Smartphones are logically one of the biggest targets for anyone with the skills and agenda primarily based on two facts:

  1. Smartphones are used by more people globally today than PC’s (personal computers)
  2. The security and vulnerabilities of smartphones are far less on average than PC’s
  3. Social Media like Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok as well as other installed Apps of all types on smartphones/PC’s/devices are being targeted more and more each day by malicious individuals and “ransomware gangs” globally.

4) The “Cloud” i.e. Internet is Also Potentially Vulnerable 

With more and more organizations now established on clouds, security measures need to be continuously monitored and updated to safeguard the data from leaks. Although cloud applications such as Google or Microsoft are well equipped with security from their end still, it’s the user end that acts as a significant source for erroneous errors, malicious software, and phishing attacks more than ever before today. Malicious actors across the globe are adapting faster than end users can act, especially in today’s ever so popular Social Media world.

5) Data Breaches: Prime target

Data will continue to be a leading concern for organizations around the world. Whether it be for an individual or organization, safeguarding digital data is the primary goal now. Any minor flaw or bug in your system browser or software is a potential vulnerability for hackers to access personal information. New strict measures General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was enforced from May 25th, 2018 onwards, offering data protection and privacy for individuals in the European Union(EU). Similarly, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) was applied after January 1st, 2020, for safeguarding consumer rights in the California area.

6) IoT with 5G Network: The New Era of Technology and Risks 

With the advent and growth of 5G networks, a new era of inter-connectivity will become a reality with the Internet of Things (IoT).

The Internet of Things (IoT)  is essentially an interconnected global network where all devices are connected to each other as well as the “internet” 24×7. This communication between multiple devices also opens them to vulnerabilities from outside influence, attacks or an unknown software bug. Even the world’s most used browser supported by Google, Chrome was found to have serious bugs. 5G architecture is comparatively new in the industry and requires a lot of research to find loopholes to make the system secure from external attack.

Every step of the 5G network might bring a plethora of network attacks that we might not be aware of. Here manufacturers need to be very strict in building sophisticated 5G hardware and software to control data breaches.

7) Automation and Integration 

With the size of data multiplying every day, it is eminent that automation is integrated to give more sophisticated control over the information. Modern hectic work demand also pressurizes professionals and engineers to deliver quick and proficient solutions, making automation more valuable than ever. Security measurements are incorporated during the agile process to build more secure software in every aspect. Large and complex web applications are further hard to safeguard making automation as well as cyber security to be a key concept of the software development process.

8) Targeted Ransomware

Another important cybersecurity trend that we can’t seem to ignore is targeted ransomware. Especially in the developed nations’ industries rely heavily on specific software to run their daily activities. These ransomware targets are more focused today in 2023 including examples like the Wanna Cry attack on the National Health Service hospitals in England corrupted more than 70,000 medical devices. Though generally, ransomware asks to threaten to publish the victim’s data unless a ransom is paid still it can affect the large organization or in case of nations too.

9) State-Sponsored Cyber Warfare

There won’t be any stoppage between the western and eastern powers in attempts to find superiority. The tension between the US and Iran or Chinese hackers often creates worldwide news though the attacks are few; they have a significant impact on an event such as elections. And with more than 70 elections bound to be held this year, criminal activities during this time will surge. Expect high-profile data breaches, key infrastructure like airlines grounding planes due to internal software compromises, etc. as top cybersecurity trends for 2023.

10) Insider Threats

Human error is still one of the primary reasons for data breaches and cyber security issues and service tickets, up to 75% of all reported in fact according to the most recent 2022 statistics. Any employee having a grudge or just a bad day at their employer or intentional loophole can bring down a whole organization with millions of stolen data. One example of this in 2022 was an official Report by Verizon that a documented data breach gives strategic insights on cybersecurity trends that 45 percent of total attacks were directly or indirectly made by the employees. Creating a culture of more awareness within premises to safeguard data in every way possible is truly the primary goal today in 2023 as well as the future.

OpenAI: Free AI Is The Future Google!

ChatGPT is the future and right now in 2023 so far it is completely FREE!

In this article, I will show you how to use it to make video creation a breeze.

How To Use ChatGPT

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming a powerful tool in the kit of any creator. From smart editing tools to copy writing to whole original image creation, there is a lot that AI can do. One stage of the creation process that AI can streamline is the pre-production process: brainstorming, writing, and prepping.

In this article, I’ll show you how to use ChatGPT to write something like a video script to make your video production workflow faster and easier.

  • What Is ChatGPT?

  • How to Use ChatGPT to Create Content

  • What Are the Limitations of ChatGPT?

What Is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is the latest tool from OpenAI, the company behind DALL-E, the AI-powered art and image generator.

Unlike DALL-E and other AI art tools like the Lensa AI Magic Avatars or the MyHeritage AI Time Machine that have become popular recently, ChatGPT is NOT an image generator.

Summary: It’s a conversational text and code generator.

Screenshot of a description of ChatGPT from OpenAI's website. The text reads: "We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response." This screenshot comes from their November 30, 2022 press release.

You plug in a question or a prompt, and ChatGPT will give you an answer. Or an essay, poem, idea, line of code, etc.

OpenAI has made ChatGPT available as part of a research release. That means a) that they are taking users’ feedback during this period to improve the AI model and b) that it’s currently free to use, which is great news for creators.

How to Use ChatGPT to Create Content More Quickly

Let’s walk through how to use ChatGPT and how it can speed up your content creation process.

Step 1: Set Up an Account with ChatGPT

To start, head to You’ll be asked to either log in or create an account.

As of writing this article, setting up an OpenAI account is totally free, no payment info required.

I opted to use the integrated Google login.

Step 2: Read Through the Disclosures and Limitations

Once you’ve signed in to ChatGPT, you’ll see a few pop-ups explaining how the research release works and what to expect.

It’s important to read through these disclosures to fully understand the limitations of the tool and how to use it for best results.

Step 3 (Optional): Ask ChatGPT for Video Script Ideas

If you already have an idea for the video you want to shoot in mind, go ahead and skip this step. But if you’re still looking for ideas, enlist ChatGPT as your brainstorming buddy.

All you have to do is type your prompt or question into the chat bar at the bottom of your screen:

In just a few seconds, ChatGPT will generate a list for you.

Not happy with the results? Just hit the “Try again” button. You can also try wording your prompt differently to get better results.

Step 4: Ask ChatGPT to Write Your Video Script

All that’s left is to write your video script. Or rather, to let ChatGPT write it.

In the chat bar, type your request and make sure that you include the idea you’ve chosen from ChatGPT (or your own idea).

And that’s really all there is to it. Sit back and let ChatGPT generate a whole video script for you in just a few seconds.

You can see that the script isn’t that long — it took me about three minutes to read it out loud at a moderate narration pace. That’s because ChatGPT can only generate so much text at a time and now that it is approaching INCREDIBLY POPULARITY faster than Facebook, Google, and even Instagram, the “demand” for its “Server” aka the computational workhorse behind the scenes is truly working harder than an air conditioner in a Las Vegas summer!

Chatbot OpenAI Popularity

This is a great tool for turning out short-form content, like TikToks and YouTube Shorts, quickly.

ChatGPT Faster To One Million

For something like a video for your regular YouTube feed, you can always pad your ChatGPT video scripts out with examples and asides, to give it more of a personal touch and add a little bit of watch time.

If you want ChatGPT to write the script for any videos longer than 5 minutes, I’d recommend asking for an outline first, then having the AI write each section of that outline individually.

Step 5: Edit and Publish Your Video

Script-writing isn’t the only part of the video creation process that artificial intelligence can help with. To keep your video editing as streamlined as your script-writing, here are three AI-powered GeeksByTheHour tools I recommend using:

1) SmartCut

Remove silences and awkward pauses from your videos automatically with SmartCut. You will find SmartCut under the “AI Tools” section in GeeksByTheHour’s video editor Resources.

To use it, just click on the SmartCut button and the AI will automatically detect and delete silences from your video.

You can adjust the threshold of what SmartCut detects as a silence by using the Silence Sensitivity slider. Once you’re satisfied with the results, click “Done” and the changes will be applied to your video in the editor.

2) Clean Audio

Filming conditions aren’t always ideal, but that doesn’t mean your video has to have poor audio quality. You’ll find the Clean Audio tool in the left sidebar under the “Audio” tools.

Clicking on it will remove unwanted background audio as well as level the audio volume and reduce popping sounds.

Screenshot of Kapwing's Clean Audio tool with text that reads: "Clean audio intelligently removes background noise, corrects loudness, and helps with popping sounds. This process may take a few minutes depending on the length of your upload."

It will take a few minutes for the AI to process and clean your audio, depending on the length of your video. Once it’s done, you’ll know the Clean Audio tool has been applied because the button in the sidebar will remain blue.

3) Find Scenes

For longer form content, it’s important to break your content up into scenes with headers and even include the timestamps in your description for platforms like YouTube. Finding all of the spots in your video where you move from one topic to the next or the scene changes can be tedious, though. Find Scenes lets AI do that for you.

Find Scenes is in the AI Tools section of the Edit menu

In the Find Scenes window, adjust the AI’s sensitivity to control how many scenes are detected. Wherever a scene is detected, your video will split into separate clips.

After you’ve applied the changes to your video, you can easily add title cards, graphics, talking head footage, etc., between scenes.

What Are the Limitations of ChatGPT for Content Creation?

Even though it was only recently released, it’s already apparent that ChatGPT is going to be a very powerful tool. With that said, though, it does still have functional (and ethical!) limitations. Let’s break down a few of the more important ones.

Screenshot from ChatGPT sharing examples of prompts, capabilities, and limitations of the bot. The text reads as follows — Examples: “Explain quantum computing in simple terms,” “Got any creative ideas for a 10 year old’s birthday?” “How do I make an HTTP request in Javascript?” Capabilities: Remembers what users said earlier in the conversation; Allows users to provide follow-up corrections; Trained to decline inappropriate requests. Limitations: May occasionally generate incorrect information; May occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content; Limited knowledge of the world and events after 2021.

Does ChatGPT Always Provide Factually Accurate Information?

While ChatGPT is trained on a large amount of data and is designed to provide factual information, it’s not always possible for it to provide completely accurate answers to every question. This is because ChatGPT is a machine learning model and its responses are generated based on the inputs it receives from you, the user. In some cases, this can result in responses that are not entirely accurate or complete.

Additionally, ChatGPT is a text-based AI and does not have access to the internet, so it cannot browse the web or provide information that is not contained within its training data as of today at least (2023).

It’s always a good idea to double-check the information provided by ChatGPT and use other sources to verify its accuracy.

Is ChatGPT versed in current events?


ChatGPT is a large language model trained by OpenAI, and its training data has a fixed cutoff point. In its current iteration, that cutoff point is the end of 2021. This means that it may not have the most up-to-date information on certain topics, and its responses may be based on outdated information.

For example, you wouldn’t be able to ask ChatGPT to explain the timeline of Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter because that happened in 2022 before the OpenAI database “updated” any data or information such as events that occurred in 2022 or for that matter today in 2023!

What Kinds of Inappropriate Requests Is ChatGPT Programmed to Decline?

According to OpenAI, ChatGPT is “trained to decline inappropriate requests.” However, when I asked ChatGPT what is considered an inappropriate request that it would decline, this is the response it gave:

“ChatGPT is a neutral AI and is not trained to decline inappropriate requests. It is trained to provide responses based on the inputs it receives from the user, and it will generate a response to any input it receives, regardless of whether the request is considered appropriate or not.

In general, it is always a good idea to treat ChatGPT with respect and to ask questions that are appropriate and relevant. This will help ensure that you receive the most accurate and helpful responses possible.”

That doesn’t mean that you can generate any kind of content with ChatGPT, though. If you input an inappropriate request, ChatGPT will form a response, but you will also receive this pop-up warning:

You can find a full, detailed list of what ChatGPT has been trained to detect as inappropriate in OpenAI’s Content Policy. Here is the Summary:

You may not use ChatGPT to generate content of the following natures:

  • Hate speech
  • Harassment
  • Violent
  • Self-harm
  • Sexual
  • Spam
  • Deception
  • Malware

As with any tool, AI or otherwise, ChatGPT should be used responsibly.

I hope that this article helps streamline your creation process by using ChatGPT to write video scripts. For more creator tips, tools, and news, visit our Resources Library or check out our YouTube channel. We create new content every week, made for creators by creators.