Ultra-fast 6G internet test reaches 100Gbps speed that’s 500 times faster than 5G

A 6G transmitter has been created that can reach the fastest internet capabilities recorded yet.

The new technology was created by four companies in Japan putting their best qualities forward to achieve the next generation of ultra-fast internet.

6G internet brings completely new advancements to technology and communication
The highest generation of internet right now is 5G and is the current standard

The announcement of the new 6G breakthrough came in a press release on April 11 and the four companies involved include DOCOMO, NTT, NEC, and Fujitsu.

5G internet operates from 6-40 GHz while the new 6G test operated at much higher bands in 100 GHz and 300 GHz. 

The 6G transmitter transferred data at 100 Gbps per second at 100 GHz indoors and 300 GHz outdoors over 328 feet, per the release.

The highest generation of internet right now is 5G and is the current standard. 

Using higher frequency bands allows for much faster internet speeds and is the plan of how to achieve the next generation. 

High-capacity wireless communication is expected to be achieved by exploiting the abundant bandwidth available in the sub-terahertz band from 100 GHz to 300 GHz,” the release said. 

The 6G potential is 500 times faster than the average 5G t-Mobile speeds in the US, according to Statista

Its speed can also be compared to transferring five HD movies wirelessly per second, per Live Science. 

The tech companies have hinted that 6G will allow for groundbreaking new ventures.

This includes extremely high-quality video streaming, better control for self-driving cars, and faster communication.

Some other advancements to look forward to include smoother operation for: Virtual Reality (VR)


*Metaverse applications

*Mixed Reality experiences.

*Fully Automated Vehicles

*Hovercraft and other flying machines

*It will also support brand new technologies like Holographic images and Holographic Communication (seeing g a hologram of the person you are talking to emanate from a phone as an example)

“In the 6G era, when wireless networks are envisioned supporting diverse applications ranging from ultra-HD video streaming to real-time control in autonomous vehicles, as well as increasing communication demands,” the press release said.


Implementing the new high-speed 6G will come with some complications though.

The experts explained completed new devices will need to be made that can handle the high-frequency bands. 

This is because of the large difference between what 5G devices are currently operating at and the high-frequency band 6G would need.

“However, compared to 28 GHz and other millimeter bands used in current 5G systems, the much higher frequencies of the sub-terahertz band will require entirely different wireless devices that are now being developed from scratch,” the press release said. 

To be successful, this effort will need to overcome several key challenges, such as determining the specific performance requirements of wireless devices operating in the sub-terahertz band, and then actually developing such devices.Press Release

“To be successful, this effort will need to overcome several key challenges, such as determining the specific performance requirements of wireless devices operating in the sub-terahertz band, and then actually developing such devices.”

The next move for the four tech companies is to keep working out the kinks and utilizing each company’s strengths to make 6G a reality. 

“Going forward, the four companies will continue to conduct extensive research and development into sub-terahertz telecommunications,” the press release said.

“Leveraging each company’s strengths in various initiatives to contribute to 6G standardization.”

Geobox: A $700 Anonymous Wi-Fi Device

Geobox: A Hacking Device That Is Basically Untraceable

In summary, a Geobox transforms the mini-computer Raspberry Pi into a Swiss-army knife type of hacking device!

Sold for a lifetime fee of $700 or a monthly rate of $80, the software is able to:

1. Spoof location

2. Mimic Wi-Fi access points

3. Manipulate DNS and network parameters while providing anonymity.

4. Copying and emulating the same commonly used Wi-Fi landing page that most restaurants and concerts use to log on to avoid suspicion. The operators can even charge 0.99 cents or more depending on the location/Clients of where they are located at (such as a fitness gym, where the upcharge is usually $2.99 for unlimited data use or free for limited data).

Imagination is not required: this Geotool allows any person to set up a virtually untraceable Wi-Fi box that most people take for granted and can own all of the data or even the device or laptop once one connects to it!

After researching a few operators using it at a popular tourist site (March, 2024), it was observed that “three malicious individuals utilized several Geobox devices, each connected to the internet. These devices served as proxies, significantly enhancing their anonymity. This approach complicated the investigation and tracking process for any one attempting to investigate them using them, especially since, by default, Geobox devices do not store any logs nor any digital or paper trail for themselves or whomever logs on to the created Wi-Fi access point. They also have an amazing choice: to either create a Wi-Fi point similar to the official location name of where they are operating from, such as naming it “McDonald’s Free Wi-fi”


They simply use it for their own fully anonymous purposes, such as emulating an internal Wi-Fi access point; which is quite common at Malls, shopping areas and concert venues where the general public or even workers/vendors would have no ability to distinguish between a Geobox created Wi-Fi point and the authentic one. To make it even more authentic, an operator would mimic the secure password of the host site – such as a popular shopping Mall’s password for internal Employees/Vendors.

It only takes these bad actors 2 – 5 minutes on average by simply using the popular $300 Flipper device to get the password or passcode of any device or Wi-Fi router today as well in combination with the Geobox!

Raspberry Pi is a widespread, low-cost, and small single-board computer used for various projects and praised by enthusiasts.

However, with Geobox, it is transformed “into a potent weapon for digital deception.” Malicious software is specifically designed for the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with at least 4GB of RAM.

The price is $700 for lifetime, which is very cheap and affordable considering the amount of data, private and personal information it can easily obtain within a few minutes of being set up once just one person unwittingly connects to it in this day and age of people expecting free or low-cost internet everywhere!

These device operators also have the ability to create a bogus free or one-time .99 cent-for-24 hour unlimited internet access via a simple landing page to mask and emulate, as an example, your favorite restaurants like McDonald’s or Starbucks!

With Geobox, malicious actors target a broad audience as the setup process is streamlined, clear, and concise, with easy-to-follow instructions also provided. The manual links to the official Raspberry website for OS installation.

Multiple tools are included with Geobox: multiple VPN connections, GPS and Wi-Fi emulation, DNS configuration, data substitution tools, network configurators, and others.

The Geobox Can Be Easily Used For Anonymous Geolocation or Multiple Internet Purposes

“The device’s functionality is diverse, allowing for various forms of digital manipulation and disguise. Key features include the ability to use WebRTC IP for discreet online communication and GPS spoofing to simulate different geographical locations, which is particularly valuable for activities that require geolocation manipulation. Furthermore, the Geobox can completely mask (hide) Wi-Fi MAC addresses, making the user’s network activity more difficult to trace.”

*Most High Schools and Colleges Use Wi-Fi MAC Addresses As Standard Internet and Wi-Fi Usage Tracking Controls*

The emergence of Geobox raises significant concerns and introduces new complexities for cybersecurity – as well as the general public! One simple dot or variation of a “Starbucks or McDonalds Wi-Fi” authentic connecting point at any location is all it takes for operators of a Geobox to own and obtain all of the data on your laptop/phone or any other connected device!

Armed with such an affordable and easy to obtain cyber device, operators can easily carry and coordinate various attacks; such as being a data dump for anyone logging on to the newly created “free Wi-Fi” identity theft and credit card fraud under the veil of anonymity, circumventing network restrictions and surveillance, malware distribution, credential stuffing, spreading misinformation, content piracy, etc.

It was observed one operator used Geobox in combination with two LTE-based wireless modems, “proxyfying connections via multiple chains of SOCKS and PROXY servers globally and automatic pseudo-randomly via AI”. In essence, these easy proxy steps further ensure they are anonymous and cannot be tracked unless known to be doing this activity in advance!

Leveraging several devices deployed in various locations using this model is easy if the operator has a few friends working as a small tight-knit team. Note that this device can be easily carried in a purse, bag or backpack; easily disguisable as simply being a popular Notebook or laptop.

“Once the malicious action has been conducted – they can simply wipe the device or physically destroy it if they have a hunch that they are being monitored or tracked – but this device is so cheap, simple and easy that the chances of them getting caught are slim to none and thus they simply move it to other locations depending on their intent and motives – such as an up coming concert venue or local restaurant that people go to fully expecting and using free Wi-Fi”.

How to Hide Your IP Address and Change Location on Coinbase

Are you concerned about your online privacy and looking for ways to mask your IP address on Coinbase?

If like many people, you have come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to change your location on Coinbase (or any other Crypto Exchange) and hide personal information like your IP address, country, and region.


Quick Guide: Hide Your IP Address and Change Your Location

  • Mask Your IP Address
  • Flush DNS and Renew Your IP Address
  • Change Your Coinbase Location Settings
  • Other Methods to Hide Your IP Address and Location on Coinbase

Why Hide Your IP Address?

There are several reasons why you might want to hide your IP address. One of the main reasons is to protect your privacy and prevent Coinbase from tracking your physical location. By masking your IP address, you can also avoid leaving a digital footprint and bypass content filters or bans.

How to Hide Your IP Address and Location from Coinbase

  1. Mask Your IP Address
    • Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or proxy server to mask your IP address and spoof your location.
    • We recommend using NordVPN for its ease of use and reliability.
    • Follow these steps to install and configure NordVPN:
      1. Visit NordVPN’s website and create an account.
      2. Download and install NordVPN on your devices.
      3. Connect to a VPN server from your preferred location.
  2. Flush DNS and Renew Your IP Address
    • Clear your DNS cache to ensure your computer obtains the latest IP address from Coinbase’s DNS server.
    • Renew your IP address through your device’s settings or command prompt.
    • Follow these steps for PC (Any Windows OS Computer) (please contact me directly at https://www.t.me/DigitalFoundation for one on one Consultation):

Step-by-Step Guide: Flush DNS and Renew Your IP Address

Step 1: Open Command Prompt

      • On Windows: Press the Windows key, type “cmd” in the search bar, then press Enter.
      • On Mac: Open Spotlight (Command + Space), type “Terminal,” then press Enter.

Step 2: Run Command Prompt as Administrator

      • Right-click on Command Prompt in the search results.
      • Select “Run as administrator” from the context menu.

Step 3: Enter Commands

      • In the Command Prompt window, type the following commands one by one, pressing Enter after each:
        • ipconfig /flushdns (This command clears the DNS resolver cache.)
        • ipconfig /release (This command releases your current IP address.)
        • ipconfig /renew (This command requests a new IP address from your DHCP server.)

Step 4: Confirm Success

      • Look for confirmation messages after each command.
      • You should see messages indicating successful flushing of the DNS resolver cache and renewal of your IP address.

Step 5: Close Command Prompt

      • Once you’ve completed the commands and confirmed success, you can close the Command Prompt window.


      • Flushing the DNS resolver cache and renewing your IP address can help resolve network connectivity issues and ensure that your computer has the latest IP address information.
      • These steps may vary slightly depending on your operating system. Always run Command Prompt with administrator privileges for these actions.

Mac/Apple Flushing DNS:


  1. Change Your Coinbase Location Settings
    • Before logging in to your Coinbase account, ensure NordVPN is running and connected to the preferred server location.
    • Log in to your account, go to “Privacy Settings,” and change your “Location/Region/Country” to match your VPN server.
    • Save the changes and you’re all set.

Can’t Change Your Coinbase Location Settings? Here’s What to Do

If you’re unable to change your region, location, or country on Coinbase’s account settings, you can contact Coinbase support for assistance. Follow these steps:

  • Connect to NordVPN and your preferred server.
  • Find the “Contact Us” or “Get in touch” page on Coinbase’s website here: https://help.coinbase.com/en-gb
  • Send a message to Coinbase support requesting a manual update of your physical location.
  • Wait for 24-48 hours for their response.

Other Methods to Hide Your IP Address and Location on Coinbase

In addition to using a VPN or proxy server, you can also consider using a neighbor or trusted friend’s Wi-Fi networks or proxy servers. However, keep in mind the security and privacy implications of these methods. If you are unsure or don’t know whether or not your Internet/Device/Computer is truly SECURE, take 2 minutes of your valuable time and go here to run a VPN and Browser Leak Scan: https://browserleaks.com/webrtc


VPN vs. Proxy vs. Public Wi-Fi: A Comparison

Here’s a comparison table outlining the key differences between using a VPN, proxy server, and public Wi-Fi to hide your IP address and change your location on Coinbase:


Features/Attributes VPN Proxy Server Public Wi-Fi
IP Address Masking Yes Yes Yes
Encryption Yes (High-level) No No
Geolocation Spoofing Yes Yes Partial
Ease of Setup Easy Moderate Easy
Speed Fast (depends on service) Moderate Varies (often slow)
Security High Low Very Low
Privacy High Low to Moderate Very Low
Access to Restricted Content Yes Yes Maybe
Consistency High Moderate Low
Cost Subscription Subscription or one-time fee Free
Legality & Compliance Generally Legal, some restrictions apply Generally Legal, some restrictions apply Legal

In summary, using a VPN offers the highest level of security and privacy, while proxy servers and public Wi-Fi networks may be less reliable. Choose the method that best suits your needs and always prioritize your online privacy and security.

By following these steps and tips, you can effectively hide your IP address and change your location on Coinbase, ensuring your online activities remain private and secure.


The information provided in this blog post is for educational purposes only. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee the effectiveness or suitability of the methods described.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you acknowledge that neither any individuals affiliated with GeeksByTheHour nor its affiliates are responsible for any actions, events, or consequences that may occur as a result.

It is recommended to consult with a qualified IT professional or technician before performing any network-related actions on your computer. Always proceed with caution and at your own risk.

A Browser with No Advertisements or Duplicates? Yes and Welcome to Stract (Currently Beta Mode)

In this digital age of 2024 and beyond, information and data is needed as the air we breathe, the tools we use to sift through data should uplift, not undermine, our quest for knowledge.

Yet, here we are, navigating the choppy waters of search engines like Bing and Google, only to find ourselves awash in a sea of advertisements, our privacy eroded by relentless tracking, and our quest for truth skewed by biased algorithms.

Does that seem okay to you?

These platforms, once hailed as the lighthouses of the information age, now seem more like will-o’-the-wisps leading men to their deaths in murky bogs. Radicalization through search engine commercialization is actually a real problem. For everything that Google has claimed, it is fighting against such things, the work of non-biased researchers like Cory Doctorow and Rebecca Giblin have proven that these companies can’t ever fulfill their promises… not when they rely on radicalization to help line their shareholder’s wallets.

Folks – it is jut not Google (Alpha) that does this! Today we face a plethora of Social Media “trackers” and “data miners” that commercialize every step and action that you take online within their platform for full disclosure. This article is just sharing with you that browsers such as Google (and its email product called Gmail) tracks, profits, and commercializes everything that you do in it.

Enter Stract, a new lighthouse, one built with decentralization and open-source values in mind.

Stract: A New Open Source, customizable search engine.

This innovative search engine feels like a callback to an earlier Internet age, when our networks were meant to be part of a free, open-source ecosystem.

Now, to be clear, Stract is in early “Beta” stage. This simply means that it is lacking many “normal” features that are common in modern browsers. You will not be using it for your daily browsing quite yet (I recommend Vivaldi, Brave (which offers Staking Rewards as well) and DuckDuckGo for the time being). That said, it has WONDERFUL potential.

The top ten main features of Stract include:
  1. Open Source: Stract is entirely open-source, promoting transparency and community collaboration in its development and enhancement.
  2. Customization: The platform stands out for its high degree of customizability, allowing users to tailor their search…
  3. Advanced Search Capabilities: Stract offers advanced search capabilities, including Boolean operators, filters, and facets, empowering users to refine their searches with precision and efficiency.
  4. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Leveraging cutting-edge NLP algorithms, Stract understands and interprets natural language queries, ensuring accurate search results even for complex or ambiguous queries.
  5. Personalization: Stract employs sophisticated personalization algorithms to deliver tailored search results based on user preferences, search history, and behavior, enhancing the overall search experience and relevance of results.
  6. Scalability: Built on a scalable architecture, Stract seamlessly handles large volumes of data and user queries, ensuring fast and reliable search performance even as data volumes grow.
  7. Federated Search: Stract supports federated search capabilities, enabling users to search across multiple data sources and repositories from a single interface, eliminating the need to switch between different applications or platforms.
  8. Real-time Indexing: With real-time indexing capabilities, Stract ensures that new content is immediately available for search, providing users with up-to-date and relevant information at all times.
  9. Integration Options: Stract offers seamless integration with a wide range of third-party applications, databases, and content management systems, allowing users to leverage their existing infrastructure and workflows.
  10. Analytics and Insights: Stract provides powerful analytics and insights into search behavior, user interactions, and content usage, enabling organizations to gain valuable insights and optimize their search strategies for better performance and user satisfaction.
Overall, Stract offers a comprehensive and feature-rich search solution that EMPOWERS users to find relevant information quickly and efficiently. It is also the ideal choice for individuals and organizations seeking a powerful and 100% CUSTOMIZABLE search engine for their own needs, wishes, and goals. In summary, if you are familiar with technology and don't expect a full-blown Browser experience without a few minor speed bumps, it is highly recommended to check Stract out here: https://stract.com/about




6GHz Finally Given Green Light by FCC

FCC Gives Metaverse Devices 6GHz Greenlight

Published on 10/20/2023 11:43 AM

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has given the go-ahead for tech companies to create Metaverse devices and wearables that operate at the 6GHz wireless band. 

The commission will permit Metaverse-enabled wearable technology, including virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) devices, to tap into the speedy 6GHz frequency –, which boasts faster speeds, more bandwidth and lower latency.

Tech companies developing these devices won’t need a license either, meaning that all VR and AR devices operating at very low power (VLP) can use the 6GHz frequency as long as they have a total of 850 megahertz of spectrum.

“These rules will spur an eco-system of cutting-edge applications, including wearable technologies and augmented and virtual reality that will help businesses, enhance learning opportunities, advance healthcare opportunities and bring new entertainment,” the FCC said in a statement announcing the rule changes.

“The 6 GHz band is important for next-generation Wi-Fi operations. The FCC, in recent years, expanded unlicensed use in 1,200 megahertz of spectrum between 5.925 and 7.125 GHz. Today’s rules build off this success to allow for other types of operations in the band.”

The commission added that this move would “enrich consumer experiences and bolster the nation’s economy.” It stressed devices will be restricted to that VLP level.

About Time!

The news comes as a host of tech companies, including Meta, Apple and Google work to push out AR and VR wearables, devices, and related equipment in the coming months (Winter 2023).

Meta is set to launch its Meta Quest 3 device in October, while Apple’s Vision Pro is expected to be released in early 2024. Meta also launched a second iteration of its Ray-Ban-partnered AR glasses in September. According to Bloomberg, Apple and Google are also working on similar AR-enabled glasses.

The three tech giants all petitioned for the FCC to approve the use of the 6GHz band back in 2019 – to no avail.

Before the latest rule change, they could make use of the sub-GHz frequency unlicensed, the companies have long been trying to avoid pesky licensing issues while using the most up-to-date Wi-Fi connectivity standards.

“The new rules however are careful to limit these devices to very low power levels and subject them to other technical and operational requirements that will permit these devices to operate across the United States while protecting incumbent licensed services that operate in the 6GHz band,” the FCC stated in its release.

The 6 GHz band is also used by services that manage the US electric grids, long-distance phone services and backhaul – hence the need for FCC oversight on the tech.

As part of its agreement to allow VLP devices to access the frequency, the regulator also proposed expanding the ability for devices to use higher power levels if they are geofenced to stop interference with licensed operations on the same band.

How to Troubleshoot a Network

Issues can arise at numerous points along the network. Before you start trying to troubleshoot any issue, you want to have a clear understanding of what the problem is, how it came up, who it’s affecting, and how long it’s been going on. By gathering the right information and clarifying the problem, you’ll have a much better chance of resolving the issue quickly, without wasting time trying unnecessary fixes.

steps to troubleshoot a network

I always start troubleshooting our Client’s Networks using these simple network troubleshooting steps to help diagnose and refine the issue.

  1. Check the hardware. When you’re beginning the troubleshooting process, check all your hardware to make sure it’s connected properly, turned on, and working. If a cord has come loose or somebody has switched off an important router, this could be the problem behind your networking issues. There’s no point in going through the process of troubleshooting network issues if all you need to do is plug a cord in. Make sure all switches are in the correct positions and haven’t been bumped accidentally.
    Next, turn the hardware off and back on again. This is the mainstay of IT troubleshooting, and while it might sound simplistic, often it really does solve the problem. Power cycling your modem, router, and PC can solve simple issues—just be sure to leave each device off for at least 60 seconds before you turn it back on.
  2. Use ipconfig. Open the command prompt and type “ipconfig” (without the quotes) into the terminal. The Default Gateway (listed last) is your router’s IP. Your computer’s IP address is the number next to “IP Address.” If your computer’s IP address starts with 169, the computer is not receiving a valid IP address. If it starts with anything other than 169, your computer is being allocated a valid IP address from your router.
    Try typing in “ipconfig /release” followed by “ipconfig /renew” to get rid of your current IP address and request a new one. This will in some cases solve the problem. If you still can’t get a valid IP from your router, try plugging your computer straight into the modem using an ethernet cable. If it works, the problem lies with the router.
  3. Use ping and tracert. If your router is working fine, and you have an IP address starting with something other than 169, the problem’s most likely located between your router and the internet. At this point, it’s time to use the ping tool. Try sending a ping to a well-known, large server, such as Google, to see if it can connect with your router. You can ping Google DNS servers by opening the command prompt and typing “ping”; you can also add “-t” to the end (ping -t) to get it to keep pinging the servers while you troubleshoot. If the pings fail to send, the command prompt will return basic information about the issue.
    You can use the tracert command to do the same thing, by typing “tracert”; this will show you each step, or “hop,” between your router and the Google DNS servers. You can see where along the pathway the error is arising. If the error comes up early along the pathway, the issue is more likely somewhere in your local network.
  4. Perform a DNS check. Use the command “nslookup” to determine whether there’s a problem with the server you’re trying to connect to. If you perform a DNS check on, for example, google.com and receive results such as “Timed Out,” “Server Failure,” “Refused,” “No Response from Server,” or “Network Is Unreachable,” it may indicate the problem originates in the DNS server for your destination. (You can also use nslookup to check your own DNS server.)
  5. Contact the ISP. If all of the above turn up no problems, try contacting your internet service provider to see if they’re having issues. You can also look up outage maps and related information on a smartphone to see if others in your area are having the same problem.
  6. Check on virus and malware protection. Next, make sure your virus and malware tools are running correctly, and they haven’t flagged anything that could be affecting part of your network and stopping it from functioning.
  7. Review database logs. Review all your database logs to make sure the databases are functioning as expected. If your network is working but your database is full or malfunctioning, it could be causing problems that flow on and affect your network performance.